Canning Basics: A Beginner's Guide to Safe Home Canning
Where Fear Meets Confidence.
Do you fear your pressure or water bath canner? Do you worry that you’ll do something wrong if you try canning in your kitchen? Do you want to build confidence as a home canner?
It doesn't have to be that hard.
Canning information should not be:
- confusing
- contradicting
- vague
- fear-inducing!
Are you apprehensive about canning? Worried that you might make a mistake and endanger your family? Have pictures of exploding canners filling your mind? Are you confused by all the information available, you don’t know where to start.
These classes and video tutorials are going to help.
Canning Basics
Learn Safe Canning Practices for both Waterbath and Pressure Canning.
This course gives you the confidence you need to start preserving food for your family. Understand canning recipes, know how to use your canners, canning terminology explained and more.
What You'll Learn:
1. Building Confidence:
Learn the fundamental skills needed for safe home canning through friendly video content. Discover the joy of preserving your own food without fear or confusion.
2. Choosing the Right Method:
Demystify the canning process by understanding the differences between water bath canning and pressure canning. We guide you step-by-step, ensuring you know which method suits your needs.
3. Mastering Equipment:
Explore the essential tools necessary for canning success. From the must-haves to the nice-to-haves, we cover it all, helping you make informed decisions about your canning setup.
4. Hands-On Demos:
Watch an in-depth demonstration of both water bath canning (canning cranberries) and pressure canning (canning chicken). See exactly how it's done so you can replicate the process in your own kitchen with confidence.
5. Trouble-Free Canning:
Get answers to frequently asked questions and learn about canning terms, tips, and tricks. Overcome common challenges and avoid pitfalls that might lead to confusion or fear.
6. Preserving Your Creations:
Discover what to do with your jars once the canning process is complete. Learn how to check seals, store your canned goods, and enjoy the fruits of your labor year-round.

Course Outline
- Welcome
- Simply Canning Guide to Safe Home Canning PDF download
Canning Safety
- Canning and how it stops spoilage
- Unsafe Canning Practices
Tips, Terms and FAQ
- Canning Terms and Tips
- Frequently Asked Questions
Canning Equipment
- Canning Equipment - Essential Hand Tools
- Canning Equipment - Non Essentials.
- The Complete Guide to Canning Equipment and Tools
Pressure Canning
- Pressure Canners
- Pressure Canning Demonstration - Canning Chicken
Waterbath Canning
- Waterbath Canners
- Waterbath Demonstration - Canning Cranberries
Finishing Up
- Checking your Seals and Storage
- Conclusion, You're all done! Now go can something
Frequently Asked Questions

You'll also get a printable Simply Canning Guide
A PDF version of our full Canning Guide
- Home Canning Safety Basics - Understand what the canning process actually does and how it keeps your food safe for shelf storage. Scientifically accurate information you can understand.
- How to Choose the Correct Canning Method - Water bath or pressure canning? Learn which you should choose for what foods (and why), and what methods you should NOT use.
- More Canning Recipes for both Water bath and Pressure Canning.
- Preserving Equipment Tips - Stop wondering what equipment is essential vs. what is just handy.
- Tips, Tricks, & FAQs - Discover answers to canning questions, conquer confusion, and glean from my years of canning experience to keep your own canning day running smoothly.
Why choose this course?
- Confidence and Reassurance: Gain the confidence to can safely without fear or confusion.
- Comprehensive Resources: Access downloadable charts, e-books, and FAQs for continuous learning and reference.
Don't let fear or confusion hold you back. Start filling jars with confidence! Enroll now and start your journey toward safe and delicious food preservation.
I've had the joy of instructing thousands of people from around the world on the skill of home food preservation.
Join me and I'd love to help you get started too.
Join me in my kitchen!
Canning Basics: A Beginner's Guide to Safe Home Canning - where fear meets confidence, and confusion transforms into mastery.
Don’t fret any longer! This comprehensive course is your ticket to getting rid of the fear.
Canning Basics is designed to allow you to fill your pantry without the confusion, contradictions, or fear.