"My husband and I love your guidance.  We have always wanted to can but was afraid of it until we found you!  Our goal is to someday to be able to have a very full pantry of foods we grew ourselves and preserved ourselves."


Simply Canning

How to Finally Get Your Canner Off the Shelf.

Put an End to the Fear and Confusion

Canning Instruction designed for the beginner. 

Click on each image to learn more.

Don't do it alone.

Discover how to fill your pantry with garden fresh produce to feed your family healthy nutritious food. Let me help you be the self reliant person you want to be.

Shannon says

"Hi Sharon - my husband purchased us your Canning Basics videos, and I've really been enjoying them. You're a great teacher and it's easy to get excited about all the possibilities since your videos make me feel like I can actually do this thing.

Mona says

"Very helpful videos! I thought you did a very thorough job. I have been canning many years and learned new things watching your series. Thank you for your dedication to helping more people feel confident about becoming a home canner. 

Nadine Says

It's as if you were in my kitchen telling me how to do it. That's a huge deal I think! Also, what more could a person ask for, than to have someone lay out all of the info they need, along with the links to get it! 

Canning School Success Stories

Michael Donawho says:

"I attempted my first pressure canning of some beefsteak tomatoes yesterday. All the kids are sucked down and don’t pop so I believe I have a good seal.

Thank you so much for the wonderful class and help!! You are amazing. My wife and I are so excited to learn and you explain so well."

Caroline Hatley says:

"This month was orange marmalade and I used naval oranges but didn’t have a lot of juice so used liquid pectin to get it to turn."

Julanna Morris Vicencio says:

"I used your recipe for Roma tomatoes and I added fresh basil"

Note from Sharon… remember using dried seasonings is recommended. 🙂

Deborah Binkley says:

"A photo of strawberry jam that I made in March from last year’s strawberries that were in the freezer. "

Sandra Bursztyn says:

"Sharon, I canned cherries for the first time using your recipe. I love watching your demonstrations. They are very informative and helpful. Thank you!"

Sandra Bursztyn also says:

"Vegetable Broth. 8 pints of golden deliciousness. Thank you, your lessons are exactly what I was looking for."

Discover how to fill your pantry with garden fresh produce to feed your family healthy nutritious food.

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