Learn How to Use Your Pressure Canner - No Fear or Overwhelm! 

Canning low-acid foods like meat and most vegetables requires the use of a pressure canner, to prevent the risk of botulism. Use the correct processing method, and there's no fear. In this free workshop, you'll learn how to use your pressure canner for the very first time, including:

  • Why learning how to use a pressure canner is essential for home canning success.
  • The top 3 safety features that make pressure canning simple and easy.
  • How to not be concerned about your pressure canner exploding.
  • Sharon's recommendation for the first pressure canning project for beginners.

This workshop is from Sharon Peterson, a wife, mother, experienced canner, and founder of SimplyCanning.com, one of the largest and most trusted canning websites online.

When you request the free video series, you'll receive occasional updates from Simply Canning. You can opt out anytime!

Pressure Canning Confidence


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